var i18n = { "InvoiceDataUnavailable": { "PageObject_ID": 158664, "Text": "The data requested was unavailable. Please relocate the invoice and try again. Avoid using the browser reload feature as this may invalidate the data being requested." }, "RequestedActionAborted": { "PageObject_ID": 158666, "Text": "The requested action has been aborted." }, "TimeoutWarning": { "PageObject_ID": 159809, "Text": "Warning! Your online session will expire in {0} seconds." }, "SessionTimedOut": { "PageObject_ID": 159810, "Text": "Your online session has expired." }, "OnlineSession": { "PageObject_ID": 159811, "Text": "Online Session" }, "LogOut": { "PageObject_ID": 159812, "Text": "Log Out" }, "ContinueSession": { "PageObject_ID": 159813, "Text": "Continue your online session" }, "Amount": { "PageObject_ID": 2709, "Text": "Amount" }, "AutoSlopeStandardDiscountTerms": { "PageObject_ID": 159962, "Text": "Auto Slope Standard Discount Terms" }, "AutoSlopeStandardDiscountTermsDescription": { "PageObject_ID": 159963, "Text": "Automatically take a prorated discount on invoices that have Standard Discount Terms but are approved for payment after the Discount Date. Discount is prorated based on the number of days remaining until the due date." }, "OfferEarlyPayForNetTerms": { "PageObject_ID": 159964, "Text": "Offer Early Pay for Net Terms" }, "OfferEarlyPayForNetTermsDescription": { "PageObject_ID": 159986, "Text": "Offer the opportunity for an invoice to be paid early for suppliers with Standard Net Terms such as Net 30, Net 45, etc. Suppliers are notified via email when these opportunities are available. The Early Pay offer uses the Early Pay Daily Rate to determine the discount rate based on the number of days the payment will be early." }, "DefaultNewSuppliersEarlyPay": { "PageObject_ID": 159966, "Text": "New Suppliers Default to Automatic Early Pay" }, "DefaultNewSuppliersEarlyPayDescription": { "PageObject_ID": 159987, "Text": "Set suppliers to always take Early Pay Discounts when they are available without requiring any action on the Suppliers part. This enables suppliers and customers to set early pay defaults that apply across all invoices." }, "DefaultVendorMaxEarlyPayDiscount": { "PageObject_ID": 159988, "Text": "Default Vendor Max Early Pay Discount" }, "DefaultVendorMaxEarlyPayDiscountDescription": { "PageObject_ID": 159989, "Text": "The maximum Discount Percent at which a supplier will automatically take an Early Pay Discount. For example if the Max Early Pay Discount is set to 1.25% and the invoice is approved 15 early the system will wait until day 12 to take the discount." }, "AutomaticallyTakeEarlyPayDiscounts": { "PageObject_ID": 159990, "Text": "Automatically Take Early Pay Discounts" }, "EarlyPayDailyRate": { "PageObject_ID": 159968, "Text": "Early Pay Daily Rate" }, "EarlyPayDailyRateDescription": { "PageObject_ID": 159991, "Text": "The Discount Rate for each day that the supplier is paid early. For example if the Early Pay Daily Rate is .1% and the supplier is paid 15 days early then the Discount Rate would be 1.5%." }, "DiscountWorkingCapitalMax": { "PageObject_ID": 159969, "Text": "Discount Working Capital Max" }, "DiscountWorkingCapitalMaxDescription": { "PageObject_ID": 159992, "Text": "The maximum cash that is allocated to all discount - standard, Auto Slope and Early Pay. When the amount of discounts take exceeds the Discount Working Capital Max then Auto Slope and Early Pay Discounts are paused until more working capital is available." }, "MaxAutomaticEarlyPayDiscount": { "PageObject_ID": 159993, "Text": "Max Automatic Early Pay Discount" }, "AllowedInvoiceTypes": { "PageObject_ID": 160172, "Text": "Allowed Invoice Types" }, "VendorDefaultAllowedInvoiceTypes": { "PageObject_ID": 160170, "Text": "Vendor Default Allowed Invoice Types" }, "VendorDefaultAllowedInvoiceTypesDescription": { "PageObject_ID": 160168, "Text": "The specific Invoice Types (Non-PO, PO, etc.) which are allowed to receive Dynamic Discounting. The Invoice Type selection applies per Business Unit and allows suppliers who process multiple types of invoices to have certain invoice types excluded or included as needed." }, "AllowedPaymentMethods": { "PageObject_ID": 160171, "Text": "Allowed Payment Methods" }, "AllowedPaymentMethodsDescription": { "PageObject_ID": 160169, "Text": "The specific Payment Methods (Check, etc.) which are allowed to receive Dynamic Discounting. The Payment Method selection applies per Business Unit and allows allows certain Payment Methods to be excluded or included as needed. Purchasing Card Payment Methods are excluded by default (Amex, Visa, etc.)" }, "UseDefaults": { "PageObject_ID": 160173, "Text": "Use Defaults" }, "MissingRequiredFields": { "PageObject_ID": 160289, "Text": "Missing Required Fields" }, "TaxDetailRequiredFields": { "PageObject_ID": 160290, "Text": "Please fill out these required fields prior to entering tax details" }, "UserProfileSaved": { "PageObject_ID": 160471, "Text": "User Profile Successfully Saved!" }, "ImagingFeedback": { "PageObject_ID": 160482, "Text": "Imaging Feedback" }, "InvoiceNumber": { "PageObject_ID": 2621, "Text": "Invoice Number" }, "InvoiceType": { "PageObject_ID": 2680, "Text": "Invoice Type" }, "VendorName": { "PageObject_ID": 2620, "Text": "Vendor Name" }, "VendorID": { "PageObject_ID": 2619, "Text": "Vendor ID" }, "BusinessUnit": { "PageObject_ID": 2641, "Text": "Business Unit" }, "InvoiceDate": { "PageObject_ID": 2622, "Text": "Invoice Date" }, "DueDate": { "PageObject_ID": 8302, "Text": "Due Date" }, "PurchaseOrderNumber": { "PageObject_ID": 160180, "Text": "Purchase Order Number" }, "TotalDue": { "PageObject_ID": 2665, "Text": "Total Due" }, "InvoiceStatus": { "PageObject_ID": 2735, "Text": "Invoice Status" }, "Source": { "PageObject_ID": 158707, "Text": "Source" }, "Currency": { "PageObject_ID": 2664, "Text": "Currency" }, "PaymentMethod": { "PageObject_ID": 2642, "Text": "Payment Method" }, "Terms": { "PageObject_ID": 2643, "Text": "Terms" }, "PassEdits": { "PageObject_ID": 4299, "Text": "Pass Edits" }, "AmountPaid": { "PageObject_ID": 3668, "Text": "Amount Paid" }, "PaymentReference": { "PageObject_ID": 7285, "Text": "Payment Reference" }, "VoucherNumber": { "PageObject_ID": 3739, "Text": "Voucher Number" }, "DefaultColumns": { "PageObject_ID": 160511, "Text": "Reset Columns to Default" }, "SaveSettings": { "PageObject_ID": 160512, "Text": "Save Column Settings" }, "IdentityQASuccessfulSave": { "PageObject_ID": 2865, "Text": "Question and Answer Successfully Saved." }, "UserWorklistRerouted": { "PageObject_ID": 3829, "Text": "The user's worklist has been marked for rerouting." }, "RerouteWorklistModalTitle": { "PageObject_ID": 3931, "Text": "Reroute User Worklist" }, "IdentityQAModalTitle": { "PageObject_ID": 160502, "Text": "Identity Question/Answer" }, "Priority": { "PageObject_ID": 2853, "Text": "Priority" }, "NotifiedOn": { "PageObject_ID": 159870, "Text": "Notified On" }, "DaysOnWorklist": { "PageObject_ID": 159871, "Text": "Days On Worklist" }, "InvoiceEntry": { "PageObject_ID": 4464, "Text": "Invoice Entry" }, "InvoiceEdit": { "PageObject_ID": 4421, "Text": "Invoice Edit" }, "DownloadResults": { "PageObject_ID": 160245, "Text": "Download Results" }, "HistoryOnlyReroute": { "PageObject_ID": 160515, "Text": "Re-route unsuccessful. History Only invoices cannot be re-routed." }, "DownloadSuccess": { "PageObject_ID": 160516, "Text": "Download Successfully Completed." }, "SavedInvoices": { "PageObject_ID": 160581, "Text": "Saved Invoices" }, "CreateNonPOInvoice": { "PageObject_ID": 160582, "Text": "Create a Non-PO Invoice" }, "CreatePOInvoice": { "PageObject_ID": 160583, "Text": "Create a PO Invoice" }, "CreateMultiPOInvoice": { "PageObject_ID": 160584, "Text": "Create a Multi-PO Invoice" }, "LogonID": { "PageObject_ID": 7123, "Text": "LogonID" }, "FirstName": { "PageObject_ID": 2877, "Text": "First Name" }, "LastName": { "PageObject_ID": 2878, "Text": "Last Name" }, "PhoneNumber": { "PageObject_ID": 2881, "Text": "Phone Number" }, "Email": { "PageObject_ID": 6542, "Text": "Email" }, "Department": { "PageObject_ID": 2879, "Text": "Department" }, "Title": { "PageObject_ID": 2880, "Text": "Title" }, "ApprovalClassification": { "PageObject_ID": 51187, "Text": "Approval Classification" }, "AccessLevel": { "PageObject_ID": 2886, "Text": "Access Level" }, "Status": { "PageObject_ID": 2636, "Text": "Status" }, "DateDeactivated": { "PageObject_ID": 51189, "Text": "Date Deactivated" }, "NoAutoUpdate": { "PageObject_ID": 3010, "Text": "No Auto Update" }, "NextInLineLogonID": { "PageObject_ID": 51186, "Text": "Next In Line Logon ID" }, "VacationRerouteActive": { "PageObject_ID": 51188, "Text": "Vacation Reroute Active" }, "Yes": { "PageObject_ID": 2633, "Text": "Yes" }, "No": { "PageObject_ID": 2634, "Text": "No" }, "Active": { "PageObject_ID": 6215, "Text": "Active" }, "Inactive": { "PageObject_ID": 6680, "Text": "Inactive" }, "Deactivated": { "PageObject_ID": 6681, "Text": "Deactivated" }, "UserDeactivated": { "PageObject_ID": 2899, "Text": "User has been deactivated." }, "UserReactivated": { "PageObject_ID": 2900, "Text": "User has been reactivated." }, "UserDeactivateConfirm": { "PageObject_ID": 160631, "Text": "Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?" }, "UserReactivateConfirm": { "PageObject_ID": 160632, "Text": "Are you sure you want to reactivate this user?" }, "User": { "PageObject_ID": 2506, "Text": "User" }, "PowerUser": { "PageObject_ID": 2887, "Text": "Power User" }, "Support": { "PageObject_ID": 2888, "Text": "Support" }, "Admin": { "PageObject_ID": 2889, "Text": "Admin" }, "Custom": { "PageObject_ID": 3017, "Text": "Custom" }, "ApproveInvoice": { "PageObject_ID": 2670, "Text": "Approve Invoice" }, "DenyInvoice": { "PageObject_ID": 2671, "Text": "Deny Invoice" }, "DenyMultipleInvoices": { "PageObject_ID": 160612, "Text": "Are you sure you want to deny the below invoices?" }, "PossibleDupe": { "PageObject_ID": 6465, "Text": "Potential Duplicate Invoices Detected" }, "ViewDupe": { "PageObject_ID": 6466, "Text": "Click to view possible duplicates" }, "Approve": { "PageObject_ID": 2691, "Text": "Approve" }, "FormatLabel": { "PageObject_ID": 52119, "Text": "Format" }, "CloseLabel": { "PageObject_ID": 2712, "Text": "Close" }, "RequestGuidelineChange": { "PageObject_ID": 161819, "Text": "Select this option to indicate when you would like to change the guidelines our indexers use for this field. Describe in the notes what you would change." }, "IndexingError": { "PageObject_ID": 161820, "Text": "Select this option to indicate when a field was keyed incorrectly. Describe in the notes what was captured wrong." }, "Rekey": { "PageObject_ID": 161821, "Text": "Select this option to request that we re-index this invoice. Describe in the notes what should be captured differently when this invoice is re-indexed." }, "CreateDistributionsExcel": { "PageObject_ID": 5934, "Text": "Using Create Distributions From Excel will replace all current distribution coding. Continue?" }, "PostalCode": { "PageObject_ID": 161822, "Text": "Postal Code" }, "PriorityID": { "PageObject_ID": 161823, "Text": "Priority ID" }, "VendorNumber": { "PageObject_ID": 161824, "Text": "Vendor Number" }, "Country": { "PageObject_ID": 161825, "Text": "Country" }, "Password": { "PageObject_ID": 161826, "Text": "Password" }, "Address": { "PageObject_ID": 161827, "Text": "Address" }, "EmailAddress": { "PageObject_ID": 161828, "Text": "Email Address" }, "Address2": { "PageObject_ID": 161829, "Text": "Address 2" }, "DigitalSignature": { "PageObject_ID": 161830, "Text": "Digital Signature" }, "LoadDate": { "PageObject_ID": 161831, "Text": "Load Date" }, "City": { "PageObject_ID": 161832, "Text": "City" }, "FileUploadVendors": { "PageObject_ID": 161833, "Text": "File Upload Vendors" }, "State": { "PageObject_ID": 161834, "Text": "State" }, "SignUpDate": { "PageObject_ID": 161835, "Text": "Sign Up Date" } }